Dr. Fox has created a space for our students to be challenged and really explore bias in such a meaningful and accessible way. We continue to hear from our students about the way their thinking has changed by his compassionate presentation.
Zack Coles and Janice Vlachos
High School Choral Educators

"Dr. Fox has taken this project beyond music to really grab people where they are and bring them into the work being done around systemic issues of racism and bias."
- Fairview High School Choral Department
"Our students have said this not only changes their immediate world perspectives, but has given them a foundation that will affect them throughout their lives. “When we know better, we do better”

Dr. Fox brought an energy and honesty to our sessions that immediately welcomed students in as they engaged with tough-to-talk-about topics. His skills as an educator were evident in each of his thoughtfully planned lessons that were specifically designed for my unique community of students. Even students who felt as though they had "figured it all out" were challenged and inspired by new lenses through which to understand inclusion, bias, and belonging.
Kristin Zaryski
High School Choral Educator
New York.
"For three years I had the opportunity to watch Derrick live this work every day. Inclusivity was not a program or a lesson but a philosophy embedded into all aspects of his teaching, one that valued every student in the room. I'm excited that others will now get the same opportunity as I had to learn from Derrick Fox."
Brian Reeves
High School Choral Educator

"I’ve known Dr. Fox since high school and he is a gift to our field. A few weeks ago, I Zoomed in on two of Derrick’s workshops with choirs in NY and CO whose conductors I also knew. I learned SO much alongside the students, who were absorbing it all and carrying it into their own spheres of influence. Derrick is adept at connecting with others, is meeting this moment with the gifts he has to offer, and likely has no idea the ripple impact this work will have for years to come. Highly encourage you to consider inviting him into your classroom!"
Dr. Andrea Ramsey
Educator, Conductor, Composer
Franklin Willis
Music Educator
Derrick masterfully led us on a journey of self-reflection, critical thinking, and deeper understanding of the “real work” we must do to become equitable music educators and leaders. My teaching philosophy has been transformed by this workshop. I encourage all music teachers to challenge themselves and (un)learn by taking this course.
Rachel Schmeltzer
Middle School Choral Educator
Dr. Fox is an engaging, inspiring educator who not only shares important concepts about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, but who also shares his humanity. This course was jam packed with useful ideas, activities, and the processing we were able to do in small groups due to his facilitation was also very helpful. If you ever get to take a course from Dr. Fox, consider yourself lucky!
Peter Pursino
High School Choral Educator
Derrick Fox is the real deal. Next time he offers his Diversity and Inclusion In Action seminar I encourage you to sign up. Not gonna lie, my head hurts - it’s a lot of information but the content is invaluable. You don’t need to be a choir director to learn from this seminar! Don’t pass it up.